Rock Steady Boxing FAQ

Frequently asked question.

I Am Looking For The Best Parkinson’s Exercise Class – How Would I Know Which To  Choose?

Unfortunately sometimes your choice is restricted by location alone, sadly you may or may not have a choice. However, If you happen to live in an area with more than one  program available then luck could be on your side. Your choice of COACH is VITAL.   It’s critical that your boxing coach has a deep and sound technical knowledge of BOXING and footwork.  You can train successfully in a good coaches kitchen or outside in the parking lot for all it matters, don’t get distracted by the ‘ flash look’ of a facility.  Quality coaching wins over a pretty gym every time!  Take the opportunity to watch the coach and a class in action.

Can I Talk To Somebody With Parkinson’s About The Benefit Of Classes and Hear What They Have To Say?

Certainly –  Contact us and we will have you chat with our personal training for PD clients or one of our Rock Steady Boxers.  Someone  is always on hand to help new people, lend an ear and help put your concerns to rest. Many clients shared the same worries, concerns and questions that you may have.

I Am Too Old to Participate

No, you’re not. Our Parkinson’s Exercise and Wellness  classes, therapy boxing sessions, fitness classes and personal training for PD have no age limits. There are boxers over 90 years of age taking part , and as young as mid-40’s. You are never too old to fight back!  Everyone may benefit from using our tactical approach to training.

My Parkinson’s Has Progressed Too Far to Benefit

Even if your Parkinson’s has progressed to using a walker or a wheelchair, you can benefit from our Rock Steady Boxing and Parkinson’s Training Center classes. Personal training for PD and our Exercise and Wellness programs are fully customizable. Exercises are always modified based on each individual’s ability.

Are There Any Situations Where You Would Not Recommend Group or Boxing Classes?

The truth is YES. On occasions we have made recommendation for alternative forms of exercise. If classes are not the right fit, we may suggest personal training for PD with one of our experienced coaches.

Your Gym is Not Convenient for Me

Even if you can only come once a week or a few times a month, you can benefit from attending classes or personal training for PD sessions.   Class and PT participants learn valuable skills in order to better function in daily life away from the gym.  Again – look for quality of care over convenience. Rather travel for a few extra minutes opposed to accepting sub standard coaching.

I Don’t Drive And I Have No Way To Get There 

This is a tough one.  If you don’t drive or have a willing corner man to assist you getting to classes this will be difficult.  Often our members will car pool or we may just have a member living near by who would be willing to assist.

I Don’t Know What This is All About

Rock Steady Boxing Johnson County’s mission is to improve the quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease through  targeted exercise and quality instruction.  Everything we do is geared around you!  Our classes and personal training is all about getting you moving, keeping you moving and living life to the full.

It Costs Too Much

We are sorry!  With overheads and staff we simply have to charge a fee.  We would love to be in a situation where we could offer free classes to our community.  Hopefully the day will come when gym memberships and essential services are covered by insurance. Until then – the membership fee allows every member full access to UNLIMITED boxing and all Parkinson’s classes.  We also offer 4 and 8 class (per month ) options. In fact our memberships are over 30% CHEAPER and 100% better 😉 when compared to local Rock Steady Boxing facilities. Plus we have the widest range of boxing, strength and cardio equipment.

 I Don’t Like Exercise

Time to get out of your comfort zone I’m afraid! Research is proving the importance of exercise in the life of a person with Parkinson’s.  This is not an exercise class – it’s a life changing class! The statement “use it or lose it” truly applies to anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s.  If Parkinson’s disease and its symptoms are not met with resistance, the disease will likely take the path of least resistance, progressing more rapidly than without exercise intervention.

This Program is Not Recommended By My Doctor

Rarely do we hear exercise is not recommended by physicians.  As research into the benefits of  exercise continues the importance of exercise cannot be under estimated.  Unless there is a medical reason not to, Doctors and Neurologists throughout the country recommend exercise and plenty of it. If exercise were available in a pill – it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation.

I Don’t Know Anyone

Our clients know no strangers.  We are all friends here.  They all share the same fight, and the camaraderie in the gym is just as important as the fitness training.

 I Don’t Think Boxing  Or Fitness Classes Will Help Me

We recommend to anyone interested in the program to view a class and chat with the members.  They are our representatives; they provide the testimonials that say again and again, “this works.” The vast majority of our members had no boxing training prior to joining us and many were not involved in any rigorous physical activity at all. And remember – you won’t be training for the Olympics 🙂

I Tried A Class And Didn’t Really Like It

Truth is the thought of exercise will not appeal to everyone, but how can you know if you don’t try?  Classes MUST be FUN.  You have to want to go, you have to want to take part! Maybe you just didn’t find the right class, coach or facility for you. If you try it and  really don’t like what we do we’ll happily make recommendations to other local programs and classes such as swimming, yoga, dance, and physical-therapy based programs.  However the benefits of our group classes and personal training for PD program are there to be seen.

I Don’t Think My Heart Can Take It

Upon initial assessment, we identify medical conditions that cause us to make modifications in the training process.  With proper communication between trainer and client,  we can modify any exercise or recommend alternative exercises based on that individual’s needs. Rest assured that whilst we will push you appropriately during our classes we will make sure that you don’t over do it!

 I Am Too Embarrassed By My Parkinson’s To Join

We understand this. If you wish to keep your diagnosis private  – then private it will remain.  Rock Steady Boxing Jonson County is  a safe haven for people with Parkinson’s to share a sense of community, and most of all, to not feel alone as they “fight back.” If you prefer- we won’t publish pictures or video of your training, it will remain between you and us. We would however record certain elements of your sessions for ongoing comparison and analysis.  It’s wonderful to look back and see how well people have progressed.

I Am Going To Join A Commercial Gym Instead

Frankly – it’s just not the same as getting specific exercise instruction  specifically targeting the many symptoms  of Parkinson’s that you may be experiencing. The group dynamic has proven to be motivating for many of our members.  A shared sense of accountability seems to make it easier for many people to get to the gym.  Our firm but loving instruction and high intensity PD focused workouts have proven more effective than a person exercising alone.  All forms of activity are encouraged and the more specific for your needs the better.  By the way – we also offer commercial gym facilities and memberships.

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